Saturday 17 December 2011

Dr Zakir Naik

Dr Zakir Naik
Dr Zakir Naik was born 18 october 1965 .He is the founder of the islamic 
research foundation .Dr Zakir Naik has writen many books on islam and other 
Educated At
St. Peter's High School (I.C.S.E.), Mumbai
Kishinchand Chellaram College, Mumbai.
Topiwala National Medical College, Nair Hospital, Mumbai.
M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), University of Mumbai.
Dr Zakir Naik Interest in Studies in Comparative Religion
Medicine Humanitarian Social Moral Educational and Economic Welfare activities.
Dr Zakir Naik has writen many books on islam .some books for example 
Al-Qur’aan, the main source of the Islamic faith, is a book believed by 
Muslims, to be of completely Divine origin. Muslims also believe that it 
contains guidance for all mankind. Since the message of the Qur’aan is 
believed to be for all times, it should be relevant to every age. Does the 
Qur’aan pass this test? In this booklet, I intend to give an objective analysis of 
the Muslim belief regarding the Divine origin of the Qur’aan, in the light of 
established scientific discoveries.  
It was believed by earlier civilizations that the moon emanates its own light. 
Science now tells us that the light of the moon is reflected light. However this 
fact was mentioned in the Qur’aan 1,400 years ago in the following verse:.  
“Blessed is He Who made Constellations in the skies, And placed therein 
a Lamp And a Moon giving light.” [Al-Qur’aan 25:61]
“See ye not How Allah has created The seven heavens One above 
another, “And made the moon A light in their midst, and made the sun 
As a (Glorious) Lamp?” [Al-Qur’aan 71:15-16]
After these discoveries, it was thought that the Sun was stationary and did not 
rotate about its axis like the Earth. I remember having studied this fallacy 
from Geography books during my school days. Consider the following 
Qur’aanic verse: “It is He Who created The Night and the Day, And the 
sun and the moon: All (the celestial bodies) Swim along, each in its 
Rounded course.” [Al-Qur’aan 21:33]
The following Qur’aanic verse 
however, refuses to acknowledge this limit: “The Unbelievers say, ‘Never to 
us will come The Hour’: say, ‘Nay! But most surely, By my Lord, it will 
come Upon you – by Him Who knows the unseen – From Whom is not 
hidden The least little atom In the Heavens or on earth: Nor is there 
anything less Than that, or greater, but Is in the Record Perspicuous.’” 
[Al-Qur’aan 34:3] 
The Qur’aan clearly mentions the function of the mountains in preventing the 
earth from shaking: “And We have set on the earth Mountains standing 
firm, Lest it should shake with them.” [Al-Qur’aan 21:31] 

2 Non muslim common questions about islam
Answers To Non Muslims Common Questions About Islam: 
In conveying the message of Islam to a non-Muslim,
 it is usually not sufficient to highlight only the
 positive nature of Islam. Most non-Muslims are not
 convinced about the truth of Islam because there are
 a few questions about Islam at the back of their minds
 that remain unanswered. This book will help non-Muslims 
to discover and know more common questions about Islam in more depth.

The Glorious Qur'an says in the following verse:
"Say: 'O People of the Book! Come to common terms as
 between usand you: That we worship none but Allah; 
That we associate nopartners with him; that we erect not, 
from among ourselves, Lordsand patrons other than Allah'. 
If then they turn back, Say ye: "Bearwitness that we (at least) 
are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will)".
(Al - Qur'an 3:6
Semitic religions
Semitic religions are religions that originated among the 
Semites.According to the Bible, Prophet Noah (pbuh) had a 
son called Shem.The descendents of Shem are known as Semites.
 Therefore, Semiticreligions are the religions that originated 
among the Jews, Arabs,Assyrians, Phoenicians, etc. Major Semitic
 religions are Judaism,Christianity and Islam. All these religions 
are Prophetic religions thatbelieve in Divine Guidance sent through 
prophets of God.
Non-Semitic religions
The non-Semitic religions are further subdivided into Aryan and
 non-Aryan religions
very Sikh is supposed to keep the five K s which are also serve as his
(i)Kesh  uncut hair; which all the Gurus kept
(ii)Kangha  comb; used to keep the hair clean.
(iii)Kada  metal or steel bangle; for strength and selfrestrain
(iv)Kirpan   dagger; for self defence
(v)Kaccha  special knee length underwear or underdrawler for agility

Zakir Naik’s article gives various prophecies under four headings. Under the
first heading (I) are three prophecies from the book Bhavishya Purana. The
first of these is given as follows:

We now reach the second heading (II) in Zakir Naik’s article. Under this 
are given three prophecies from the Atharva Veda. In the Maulana’s book also, 
these are the prophecies that occur next
Dr. Zakir has appeared on various international T.V. and Satellite T.V.
 channel programmes as well as Radio programmes in the U.S.A, Malaysia,
 South Africa, India, etc. He is regularly quizzed and interviewed by the 
media worldwide, specially on "Why Islam conflicts with issues of women’s
 rights, human rights, modern science and secularism?". But his dynamic 
resolve to dispel "media myths" about Islam with facts, specific references
 and in proper context stands out to rectify or neutralize the prejudice or
 bias (if any) about Islam

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